Llanrumney Play Centre is located on Braunton Crescent, Llanrumney and is approximately 4.5 kilometres to the North of Cardiff City Centre. Llanrumney is a large residential suburb of Cardiff. Public transport access to the Play Centre is obtained via Cardiff Bus along Braunton Crescent. There are no local train links.
Llanrumney Play Centre is a purpose built single storey building. The property is of framed construction with block and rendered wall finish. The roof is pitched with metal sheet coverings.
The Council is committed to working with community groups and local people to ensure the continued use of the property. Cardiff Council invites Initial Expressions of Interest from individuals, groups and commercial organisations with the necessary skills and experience to provide a community benefit and sustainable future for the building.
All options and proposals for the future use will be considered, subject to planning (current planning use class order D1).
Interested parties will need to demonstrate an ability to provide a long term sustainable future for the property with clear benefits for the local community. The Council intend to dispose of the property on a leasehold basis on full repairing and insuring terms.
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